Other Laws: Georgia Air Quality Act

The preceding chapters have discussed many of the most important, and most used, environmental statutes. A host of other statutes, however, may apply to a given situation. Most of these statutes are administered by either the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (EPD).

This section includes a high-level overview of another law you may encounter in pursuing environmental justice. This law may have exemptions or nuances that are beyond the scope of this section. If you have questions, please reach out to a lawyer for assistance. In addressing any environmental justice issue, one of your first tasks will be to determine which of these laws might apply to the situation you are facing.



Georgia Air Quality Act

(O.C.G.A. §§ 12-9-1 to -25)

The Georgia Air Quality Act is the state law under which EPD administers the Clean Air Act, discussed in Air Pollution. The Georgia act does not impose any requirements in addition to those of the federal act.