Environmental Agencies in Georgia:
Who’s Who?
In addition to the federal agencies discussed in What is an Environmental Agency?, several agencies in Georgia address environmental issues at the state and local level. This chapter provides more information about agencies in Georgia.
Environmental Protection Division
In Georgia, the Environmental Protection Division (EPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources is the principal state agency tasked with implementing most of the environmental pollution laws. EPD is “delegated” authority by the Environmental Protection Agency to administer many of the federal environmental laws at the state level.
Additionally, EPD has authority under Georgia environmental statutes to deal with issues like waste, water supply, surface mining, and underground storage tanks. EPD oversees all state environmental programs (such as air pollution control, water pollution control, and hazardous waste regulation and cleanup).
This means that EPD has the authority to issue or rescind water pollution and air pollution permits, as well as permits authorizing landfills. Examples of permits issued by EPD to regulate water pollution include the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits for discharges directly into state waters, Land Application System permits for discharges of wastewater on land, Industrial Pretreatment permits for industrial water that is sent to treatment centers, and Underground Injection Control permits for injecting any fluid material into the earth. Additionally, EPD issues water permits for establishing drinking water systems, permits for building within state-mandated buffer areas surrounding waterways, and various water withdrawal permits (permits to take water out of a lake or river, rather than to discharge something into the lake or river).
Under Georgia’s Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan, EPD regulates air pollution by authorizing permits. Examples include permits for any facility that releases hazardous emissions, permits for new or modified sources of air pollution (these include sources that have not had a permit before or need a new permit to address expansions), and other sources of air pollution.
To prevent and clean up pollution of soil, EPD authorizes Solid Waste Handling permits, Surface Mining permits, and permits under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. For more information about landfill, waste, water, and air permitting, check out these EJ Green Book pages: Solid Waste Management and Landfill Permitting; Hazardous Waste, Toxic Substances, and Contaminated Land Cleanup, Water Quality Permitting, Protecting Your Drinking Water, and Air Pollution.
Specifically, EPD:
- Issues and implements state laws, rules, and policies to protect human health and the environment in Georgia.
- Issues guidance on how the environmental rules and regulations should be put into action.
- Issues or denies environmental permits and other approvals.
- Enforces environmental laws and brings enforcement actions against polluters (entities who release pollutants without a permit, or in violation of their permits).
- Responds to citizens’ queries and complaints.
EPD Contact Information
EPD Headquarters and Regional Offices
EPD’s state headquarters is in Atlanta:
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Protection Division
2 Martin Luther King Dr.
Suite 1152 East Tower
Atlanta, GA 30334
(404) 657-5947
EPD staffs an emergency number for spills or chemical releases requiring immediate attention: (800) 241-4113
EPD provides a map of the regions of Georgia covered by each regional office. EPD has regional offices located in:
- Albany (Southwest District) (229) 430-4144
- Athens (Northeast District) (706) 369-6376
- Atlanta (Mountain District) (404) 362-2671
- Augusta (East Central District) (706) 667-4343
- Brunswick (Coastal District) (912) 264-7284
- Cartersville (Mountain District) (770) 387-4900
- Macon (West Central District) (478) 751-6612
EPD Branches
Within EPD, there are several branches addressing different types of pollution. You will want to contact the appropriate branch.
EPD Air Protection Branch
The Air Protection Branch is responsible for regulating emissions into the air from industrial sources like factories or power plants. This Branch responds to problems affecting the air quality of the state.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Protection Division
Air Protection Branch
4244 International Parkway, Suite 120
Atlanta, Georgia 30354
Telephone: (404) 363-7000
Fax: (404) 363-7100
EPD Air Protection Branch: Radiation Protection Program
The Air Protection Branch also administers the Radiation Protection Program, which regulates use of any radioactive materials except those at nuclear reactors (which are regulated at the federal level).
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Protection Division
Air Protection Branch: Radiation Protection Program
4244 International Parkway
Atlanta, Georgia 30354
Telephone: (470) 524-0690 or (404) 362-2675
EPD Watershed Protection Branch
The Watershed Protection Branch is responsible for regulating water quality by issuing permits to industry and local governments to release treated waste and stormwater. The Branch also monitors and models the waters of the state. This Branch responds to problems involving untreated releases into streams and rivers.
Contacts for issue-specific questions, such as stormwater, groundwater, or drinking water, can be found on the Watershed Protection Branch’s website. Click on the link for “Watershed Protection Branch organization chart and phone list” to download an up-to-date list.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Protection Division
Watershed Protection Branch
2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr., Suite 1152
East Tower Atlanta, GA 30334
Telephone: (404) 463-1511
Fax: (404) 656-2453
EPD Land Protection Division
The Land Protection Branch manages the disposal and treatment of solid waste in landfills. This Branch responds to problems such as improper management of landfills and leaking underground storage tanks.
Contacts for issue-specific questions, such as hazardous waste, solid waste, or underground storage tanks (USTs), can be found on the Land Protection Branch’s website. Click on the link for “Land Protection Branch organization chart and phone list” to download an up-to-date list.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Protection Division
Land Protection Branch
4244 International Parkway, Suite 104
Atlanta, Georgia 30354
Telephone: (404) 362-2537
Fax: (404) 362-2580
Other Agencies
In addition to EPD, a number of other state and local agencies can be important players as well, either because they administer parts of environmental laws or because they have major influence over decisionmaking. Some of these important agencies in Georgia are:
The Coastal Resources Division (CRD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources has primary responsibility for managing Georgia’s marshes, beaches, and marine fishery resources. CRD is based in Brunswick, Georgia, and it administers permitting programs under the Coastal Marshlands Protection Act, Coastal Management Act, and Shore Protection Act; issues revocable licenses for use of state-owned water bottoms; monitors coastal water quality; and manages shellfish harvest areas. CRD also conducts research; sponsors management and development activities associated with recreational and commercial fishery resources; and builds boat ramps and fishing piers.
CRD is involved whenever marshlands are potentially impacted. The scientists at CRD can also be consulted for permitting decisions if any fishery resources may be impacted. There is a wealth of scientific studies created by CRD that can be helpful to discover or demonstrate harm to delicate coastal ecosystems.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Coastal Resources Division
One Conservation Way, Suite 300
Brunswick, Georgia 31510
(912) 264-7218
The Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources regulates hunting, fishing, and the operation of watercraft in Georgia. Headquartered in Social Circle, Georgia, WRD also protects non-game and endangered wildlife, including plants, maintains public education, and conducts scientific research to ensure that Georgia’s natural resources will be conserved for present and future generations. WRD can weigh in on permitting decisions, depending on wildlife that may be impacted by a given permit (for example, a landfill or a project requiring clear-cutting).
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Wildlife Resources Division
2067 U.S. Hwy. 278 SE
Social Circle, Georgia 30025
(706) 557-3333
The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has many programs and initiatives promoting community and economic development and providing affordable housing. One of DCA’s charges is to promote sustainability, environmental protection, and enhanced quality of life by encouraging local implementation of generally accepted best growth and development practices. DCA is a particularly good resource for solid waste management issues like landfills. DCA gets involved when a landfill is proposed for a county or town, because DCA’s Solid Waste Management & Recycling Assistance Program assists local governments in planning how to meet their solid waste management needs, offers technical assistance and training in waste management issues for Georgia’s local governments, and works with counties on their solid waste management plans, which are required to be approved and in place before a landfill can be sited. See Land Use Planning and Zoning and Solid Waste Management and Landfill Permitting for more on local government planning and landfill permitting.
Georgia Department of Community Affairs
60 Executive Park South NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30329
(404) 679-4840
The Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) is made up of five elected commissioners whose job is to regulate telecommunications, electrical, transportation, and natural gas services in Georgia. The PSC is supposed to ensure that rates for these services are fair to both Georgia consumers and the industry. For example, it is the PSC that decides rates for pay phones and sets the rates you pay for electricity from Georgia Power.
While the PSC does not have direct control over environmental issues, many of the decisions that it makes have an impact on the amount of dirty air that we breathe, because the PSC regulates how power companies like Georgia Power generate electricity. For example, the PSC may consider proposals by power companies to allocate profits to installing pollution control equipment on power plants. See Electric Utility Regulation in Georgia for more on electric power regulation in Georgia and the PSC.
The PSC also works to educate consumers. The Commission publishes a brochure outlining consumers’ rights and ways you can protect against overbilling and ensure quality services. The PSC accepts complaints and conducts investigations on behalf of consumers. You can file a complaint online. Under the “Consumer Corner” tab across the top select “File a Complaint” and follow the directions for complaints regarding electricity, telecommunications, or natural gas providers.
The PSC does not have jurisdiction over MARTA, cable television, cellular phone services, water, or sewer services, or over some types of smaller electrical power companies. Contact your service provider directly for concerns regarding these services.
Georgia Public Service Commission
244 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Toll-free in Georgia: (800) 282-5813
Metro Atlanta: (404) 656-4501
Email: gapsc@psc.ga.gov
The Historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources promotes the preservation and use of historic places for a better Georgia. This division works in partnership with federal and state agencies, local governments, preservation organizations, community groups, and individuals to achieve appreciation and use of historic resources (homes, forts, schools, other buildings/structures). The Historic Preservation Division reviews and comments on the thousands of construction projects every year in Georgia that may impact historic structures. This Division can be very helpful in protecting a place or building of special significance in your neighborhood.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Historic Preservation Division
Jewett Center for Historic Preservation
2610 GA Hwy 155, SW
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Telephone: (770) 389-7844
Email: historicpreservation@dca.ga.gov
The Soil and Water Conservation Commission (GSWCC) works to protect Georgia’s soil and water through education assistance and oversight. The GSWCC is in charge of the many flood control dams in the state of Georgia. GSWCC works within its five conservation districts to control soil erosion and surface water pollution due to agricultural practices. The GSWCC works along with the US Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission
4310 Lexington Road
Athens, GA 30605
Telephone: (706) 552-4470
Fax: (706) 552-4486
Email: gaswcc.swcd@gaswcc.ga.gov
City and County Offices
Local governments can play a major role in the regulation of industry. City and county officials create zoning laws, which ultimately tell industrial companies where they are allowed to site their facilities.
Good zoning ordinances can help limit residential exposure to industrial pollution. Counties and cities also have local Solid Waste Management Plans that regulate landfills and other waste sites. These plans must be at least as restrictive as the state plan but can contain additional regulations and siting restrictions. Many cities and counties also regulate wastewater.
For more information about how your county or city regulates pollution, contact your local officials and start asking questions! To get started, here are some local offices in Georgia’s major metropolitan areas:
The Athens-Clarke County Sustainability Office works to promote practices and policies to reduce the government’s environmental footprint. The Office is involved in management of the county owned greenspace and also runs educational programs to increase sustainability. The office is working toward 100% clean and renewable energy in governmental spaces. As a part of their Legacy Forest Project the office has tracked the degradation of forest within Clarke County dating back to 1938.
Athens-Clarke County Sustainability Office
Physical Address: 110 Bray Street Athens, GA 30601
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1868 Athens, GA 30603
(706) 613-3838
Atlanta’s Department of Watershed Management is tasked with the delivery of drinking water to the city of Atlanta as well as the management of stormwater in the city of Atlanta. The Department is also tasked with the release of boil water advisories. This department has water quality reports dating back to 2003 available with information on contaminants and the efforts taken to remove them from drinking water.
City of Atlanta
Department of Watershed Management
72 Marietta Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Water Emergencies or Customer Service 311 or (404) 546-0311
Open Records Request: (404) 546-1087
The Atlanta Department of Parks and Recreation is in charge of management of the city parks within the city of Atlanta including trails and recreational centers. The Department of Parks and Recreation is tasked with the maintenance of 3000 acres of greenspace and has created initiatives to expand greenspace within the city of Atlanta. The Department is also in charge of assessing many public trees for removal.
City of Atlanta
Department of Parks & Recreation
160 Trinity Avenue SW, Stes. 2200 & 3100
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 546-6788
The Augusta Natural Resources Conservation Service helps the people of Augusta to conserve, maintain, and improve natural resources on non-federal lands. The department works to protect wildlife habitat and provide technical assistance on environmental issues.
Augusta Natural Resources Conservation Service
452 Walker St., Ste. 220
Augusta, GA 30901
(706) 360-2414
The Savannah Office of Sustainability provides services that promote a healthy environment and community for citizens. The Office works to provide operational savings through efficiency and works to conserve natural resources. The Office has worked to establish a sustainability plan to increase mobility in the city and energy efficiency through Savannah’s 100% renewable energy resolution. The Office is tasked with community education and outreach in the realm of sustainability.
Savannah Office of Sustainability
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1027
Savannah, GA 31402
(912) 651-6838
Success Story:
Taking Ownership of Our Environment
As you have learned in this toolkit, environmental injustice often impacts small and underrepresented communities.
That is what is happening in Juliette, Georgia, a quaint town in Monroe County, about 50 miles from Atlanta, with a population of approximately 3,000 people.
Although Juliette is best known for being the set where the famous 1991 movie “Fried Green Tomatoes” starring Kathy Bates was filmed, it is also the location of Plant Scherer, the biggest coal-fired power plant in the United States. With four generating units each capable of producing nearly 930 megawatts of power, Plant Scherer sits at odds with the beautiful rural landscape of Juliette.
Having a power plant like this in your backyard is bound to raise some concerns, and the citizens of Juliette identified several environmental issues affecting the wildlife and water of their community.
Since its first power generating unit opened back in 1982, Georgia Power has seized hundreds of acres, including many homes, to be used as toxic landfills for the plant. Pollution related to the plant has always been a serious concern, and in 2013 the Environment Georgia Research & Policy Center released a report that identified the plant as the largest carbon polluter in the United States. The report focused on the fact that the plant was the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions in the country, contributing significantly to global warming.
So, when Georgia Power decided to request a permit from the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (“EPD”) that would allow Plant Scherer to release wastewater into Berry Creek, Lake Juliette, and the Ocmulgee River, the community decided to do something about it. Worried about the impact that the permit would have on the water used by their children and homes, community leaders got together with environmental groups and decided to increase their pressure on the EPD to ensure that proper monitoring requirements, strict pollution limits, and appropriate tests were being conducted.
The community decided to hire an independent firm to investigate coal ash contamination in residential water wells and partnered with the Altamaha Riverkeeper. The community worked with their new partners to inform themselves of the laws and regulations surrounding the permit, collect well samples, and obtain more evidence of how the contamination was affecting public health. Based on their work, the group decided to push for the utility company to have to clean up the giant coal ash ponds and address other important air and water quality concerns raised by residents. The group also managed to raise public awareness about the issue and obtained a public meeting with the EPD’s wastewater program manager.
Ultimately, through public commenting, residents were able to identify serious issues with the permit and made it clear that these public waterways belonged to their community and should be protected by laws like the Clean Water Act.
Although there is still a long road ahead, the issues raised by the community have already led to the addition of toxicity monitoring requirements, more stringent pollution limits, and increased site testing. ProPublica has also published an investigative report looking at the history of Plant Scherer and the risks it poses the community.