The Green Book

The Environmental Justice Green Book contains a range of information and resources about environmental laws impacting Georgia communities.

  • Select “Guided Search” if you would like a series of prompts to help you find the information you are looking for in the EJ Green Book.
  • Select “Self Search” if you’d like to go straight to the EJ Green Book Table of Contents to search on your own.
  • Select “Download the EJ Green Book” if you’d like to download the full PDF file

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The Green Book

The Environmental Justice Green Book contains a range of information and resources about environmental laws impacting Georgia communities.

  • Select “Guided Search” if you would like a series of prompts to help you find the information you are looking for in the EJ Green Book.
  • Select “Self Search” if you’d like to go straight to the EJ Green Book Table of Contents to search on your own.
  • Select “Download the EJ Green Book” if you’d like to download the full PDF file

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