The Environmental Justice Green Book seeks to empower Georgia residents, community groups, and non-profit organizations with information and tools to better protect their communities, public health, and the environment. The EJ Green Book provides information and resources about environmental issues, laws, and tools to support Georgia residents and communities tackling environmental challenges.
Empower Georgia residents and communities with information about laws that impact their environmental conditions and provide the tools to effect change.
Environmental justice, resilience, equity, and legal empowerment for marginalized communities affected by toxic pollution and climate change.
Who is the EJ Green Book for?
Georgia residents, community groups, and non-profit organizations seeking to understand the environmental laws that impact where we live and the tools that can help protect the environment and community health. Policymakers, activists, advocates, and researchers working to create a more equitable and just future for our communities and environment.
Over the last five decades, environmental regulations in the United States have provided a sense of security, but not everyone is equally protected. People of Color and low-wealth communities often suffer disproportionately from toxic pollution and climate change impacts.
Communities of color and low-wealth neighborhoods frequently face the inequitable placement of polluting industries like landfills and power plants, exposing them to health risks. To create a resilient and just future, we must empower communities with tools like legal education.
In 2007, GreenLaw and the Turner Environmental Law Clinic published a citizen’s guide to environmental protection in Georgia. Now, with significant updates, the Turner Clinic, Southern Environmental Law Center, and Hummingbird present the expanded Environmental Justice Green Book.
Understanding environmental laws impacting your community is crucial for protecting the environment. However, environmental laws are complex, so consulting experts like lawyers and engineers is essential. This resource is no substitute for professional advice.
Inspired by Victor Hugo Green’s Green Book of the Civil Rights era, we present this Environmental Justice Green Book with respect and hope for a more equitable future.
Environmental Justice Green Book Partners
The EJ Green Book is a collaboration by:
Turner Environmental Law Clinic,
Emory University School of Law
The Turner Environmental Law Clinic provides important pro bono representation to individuals, community groups, and non-profit organizations that seek to protect and restore the natural environment and promote environmental justice. Through its work, the Clinic offers students an intense, hands-on introduction to environmental law and trains the next generation of environmental attorneys.
Southern Environmental Law Center
The Southern Environmental Law Center is one of the nation’s most powerful defenders of the environment, rooted in the South. With a long track record, SELC takes on the toughest environmental challenges in court, in government, and in our communities to protect our region’s air, water, climate, wildlife, lands, and people. Nonprofit and nonpartisan, the organization has a staff of 200, including more than 100 attorneys, and is headquartered in Charlottesville, Va., with offices in Asheville, Atlanta, Birmingham, Chapel Hill, Charleston, Nashville, Richmond, and Washington, D.C.
Hummingbird is a community engagement firm. We build trust across cultural boundaries, innovating the way groups communicate by moving like a hummingbird: in every direction. Our strategy and training helps companies and communities engage with each other to create a lasting positive impact.
We want to thank the following organizations for their support and contributions to this project:
The Ray C. Anderson Foundation
The Ray C. Anderson Foundation seeks to promote a sustainable society by supporting and pioneering initiatives that harmonize society, business and the environment for the present generation and tomorrow’s child.
We will achieve this mission through inspiring and funding innovative, educational and project-based initiatives.
Sapelo Foundation
The Sapelo Foundation strives for a just Georgia, through partnerships and solutions that increase environmental protection, social prosperity, and civic power.
Southern Environmental Law Center
The Southern Environmental Law Center is one of the nation’s most powerful defenders of the environment, rooted in the South. With a long track record, SELC takes on the toughest environmental challenges in court, in government, and in our communities to protect our region’s air, water, climate, wildlife, lands, and people. Nonprofit and nonpartisan, the organization has a staff of 200, including more than 100 attorneys, and is headquartered in Charlottesville, Va., with offices in Asheville, Atlanta, Birmingham, Chapel Hill, Charleston, Nashville, Richmond, and Washington, D.C.
Principal Authors
The principal authors of the EJ Green Book:
Katie Bauman, Fellow, Turner Environmental Law Clinic
Marisa Carter, Community Engagement Strategist, Hummingbird
Mindy Goldstein, Director, Turner Environmental Law Clinic
Megan Huynh, Senior Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center
Gil Rogers, Director, Georgia Office, Southern Environmental Law Center
MaKara Rumley, Founder & CEO, Hummingbird
Geoffrey Toy, Fellow, Turner Environmental Law Clinic
We would like to thank and recognize experts who provided invaluable guidance in the development of the EJ Green Book:
Leann Bing
Michael Burns
Charlette Clark
Jacqueline Echols
Lindsay Harper
Garry Harris
Janie Hill-Scott
Megan Hyunh
Kevin Jeselnik
Chris Manganiello
Eri Saikawa
Nathaniel Smith
MaKara Rumley
Law Student Contributors
We want to thank and recognize the law students who contributed to the EJ Green Book:
Shiva Ashrafzadeh
Matthew Belitsos
Paige Burris
Maggie Clark
Charli Davis
Lewis DeHope
Sami Harrell
Jesse Hevia
Kamil Jamil
Samuel Lack
Brian Landau
Marnier LeBlanc
Alyson Merlin
Sealtiel Ortega-Rodriguez
Alex Passe
Savanha Renald
Brandon Sinnott
Phyllicia Thomas
Daniel Zozaya Brown